Axilum Robotics TMS-Cobot is intended to control the positioning, the orientation and the contact of a compatible TMS coil under the supervision of an optical tracking system (no MRI) or a compatible neuronavigation system (MRI).

Key features
– Collaborative robotics « cobot » technology (safety): Such technology provides intrinsic safety features through a collision detection mechanism at each joint level, allowing close collaboration with human beings. Movements of the robotic arm can be either automated or manually directed by the user having activated a so-called free-drive mode
– Keeps the position and the orientation of the TMS coil during the session (optical tracking of markers on the head)
– Compensates for potential head motion during the TMS session
– Ensures permanent contact between coil and head (integrated pressure sensor)
– Compatible with any chair
– Lightweight and highly mobile : Can easily be moved on its wheels
– Ergonomy : When piloted by a compatible neuronavigation system, the operator controls TMS-Cobot from the graphical user interface of the neuronavigator. When piloted by Axilum Robotics optical Tracking System, the operator controls TMS-Cobot from a control panel placed on the cart

Key advantages
– Improves accuracy and repeatability: Accuracy of the robotic arm is below 2 mm
– Delivers the operator from a repetitive, painful and and time consuming task: Once the session launched, minimal attention of the operator is requested to ensure appropriate position, orientation and contact of the coil on the head

– TMS-Cobot can position selected cooled coils from Magstim, MagVenture, Mag&More
– TMS-Cobot can be piloted by compatible neuro-navigators from Localite, Rogue Research/Brainsight, Syneika and by Axilum Robotics optical tracking system (no MRI)

Dimensions and Weight
TMS-Cobot fits to any space and enters into most elevators thanks to its practical dimensions and light weight.

Regulatory information
TMS-Cobot is not CE marked and not FDA cleared.

To request for more information or a presentation about the TMS Cobot System, please click here.